Tag: #dog #JackRussell #toeamputation #surgery

Tulo Tuesday: Blooming

Tulo, thank goodness, has adjusted to his missing toe, and is back jumping up on curbs. He’s not 100 percent, but at least 88 percent.  ...

Tulo Tuesday: Rest and Recovery

Tulo got his bandage and cone off! My job is to get him to stop licking the wound, but if I lost a digit, I probably would be licking, too. In the meantime, plenty of rest–and on satin sheets, no less!...

Tulo Tuesday: On the Mend

Tulo is on the mend! He’ll get his e-collar and bandage off on Friday. In the meantime, he’s taking short walks with a Nike sock on his paw.  ...

Tulo Tuesday: Without One Toe, But Still Trouble

Tulo is recovering nicely from his toe amputation. He’s still a bundle of energy, which probably means that he’s in less pain than before. The cone and bandage stay on for another 10 days. Both of us can’t wait until it’s off....