Category: Writing Wednesday

We Are Not Imposters

(This is an abridged version of a speech I delivered at the Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference in July 2023.) I know that for both emerging and experienced writers, or any creative for that matter, imposter syndrome is a familiar companion. I recently was on a panel with a...

Scarcity vs. Abundance

This past week I was speaking to my friend about living with a sense of scarcity versus abundance. We were musing that we can be unduly affected by our elders who had gone through wartime and financial austerity. So at times we can be stingy, not only with others...

Don’t Malign Yourself or Your Writing Gift

I’m close to the finish line on my historical standalone. Through this whole process of writing it, I’ve come to appreciate the mystery genre even more. That plot is not anything to be ashamed of. That movement through a narrative can be beautiful. Embrace your strengths, whatever they are....

Topsy-Turvy World

   I was a bit depressed this afternoon because it’s finally starting to sink in that this new way of life is not just a two-week or a month-long situation but something long-term. Everything we’ve experienced or known so far is now topsy-turvy. I’m a person who likes to...

The Great Pause and Writers of Color

I’ll be honest with you all. I’m decimated by this Great Pause and how it will affect writers and specifically writers of color. Just when it seemed like we were gaining traction in certain circles–the publishing world seemed to finally be listening to Latinx writers and their criticisms of...

Coronavirus Dilemma: Cancel or Not to Cancel?

It’s so stressful to figure out whether to cancel out-of-town book appearances during this time when we don’t know enough about the coronavirus. This is my writing year, so I don’t have much lined up but I do have two events (more than a hundred people) for this month....

No Writer’s Block Here

I recently heard that writing leads to more writing, which I’ve found that is true. While being immersed in my novel-in-progress, I’ve been called to contribute some unrelated essays, short stories as well as new installments to my serial, Silk, on Discover Nikkei. What I’ve found is that the...

What to Do in a Pandemic?

People–well, to be specific, members of the CDC (Center for Disease Control)–have said that it’s only a matter of time before the COVID-19 novel coronavirus comes to the U.S. in full force. I’m the type that doesn’t get overly fearful about such pronouncements, but I also have a neurotic...

Inspiration from Book Events

  When you become a published writer, the bookstore or event venue becomes your networking station. That’s where you meet other fellow writers, exchange gossip and sometimes share challenges in the publishing world. On occasion–and perhaps it should be every occasion, you learn craft. I went to two book...

Kindle as Manuscript Reader

However you may feel about Amazon and the Kindle, I have to say that it’s a good device. Jeff Bezos wanted an electronic reader that a grandmother could easily use and he achieved his goals. Now that more people are reading off of their phones and iPad, I wonder...