Month: December 2018

Self-editing 101

(October 2017) WRITING WEDNESDAY: Self-editing 101. I write fast; therefore, I make my share of mistakes. The more ambitious the topic, the more opportunities to go down the wrong path, make syntax errors, etc. Sometimes elements of your personality come out in writing. If you tend to be long-winded...

Literary Managers

(May 2017) WRITING WEDNESDAY: Not-yet-published writers often have online discussions about literary agents, but no one mentions the need for literary managers. What’s the difference? Agents will negotiate your book deals and make sure that you are financially compensated, but managers will look at the breadth of your writing...

Pumping Iron

(May 2018) WRITING WEDNESDAY: Another birthday came and went, and I’m obsessed with blogs and books about how to get your financial state in order for retirement. The good news about writing is that even though it’s not usually lucrative, it’s something you can do when you’re older ....


I heard that Stephen King’s dog sat at his feet when he wrote, but Tulo likes to sit on the stairs and soak in the sun. I respect him wanting to do his own thing....